by Admin
Posted on 13-07-2023 01:39 PM
Electricity means much more than an ever-growing variety of conveniences. The dangers lightning and electrical surges present are very real.
For example, a sudden electrical surge could silently damage many of your appliances. An arc fault could spark an electrical fire — in fact, electricity is the third-highest cause of home fires every year. Or lightning could strike your home, causing extensive damage. Lightning is the most dangerous and frequently-encountered weather hazard that most people experience each year, according to the national severe storm laboratory. So take time to review some steps you can take to help protect yourself and your property.
When lightning strikes your property it can be one of the most destructive types of damage. While a direct strike to the home can be easy to prove because it causes fires or charring, other types of lightning damage are more difficult. The most common lightning-related damage is a ground surge. These are spikes in electricity that travel throughout an area, often causing damage to sensitive electronic equipment and house wiring. These claims can be difficult to collect because it can be hard to determine where the spikes originated from. The most important thing to do when filing a lightning claim is to document all of the damage.
If your residence is struck by lightning, agents advise you to call 911 to have firefighters check to see if there are any hidden hotspots in walls or attic spaces. After the property has been deemed safe, american family insurance suggests taking photos and detailed notes of the damage and make sure timestamps are on all entries. Your insurance agent and adjuster will likely need this vital information during the damage assessment of your claim. Experts warn that you’ll likely have to pay a deductible before insurance kicks in to cover the entire loss amount. Tags.
Since lightning is an act of god, not all lightning related incidents can be prevented. However, there are measures that can be implemented to mitigate lightning damage. Bolt lightning protection has developed an integrated approach to lightning protection. Our three-pronged approach is designed to protect your property from both direct and indirect lightning strikes, which includes: bonding and grounding transient voltage surge suppression structural lightning protection going forward, changing weather patterns will further exacerbate the risk of lightning damage. As such, commercial and industrial property owners can expect to face even greater risks at facilities in which downtime is a costly luxury. Some facilities are more at risk than others due to their location, the construction of the building, and whether there are any installed lightning protection solutions.
The following steps should be taken in filing a lightning damage claim:
take photographs and note damage to structures and property
create a list of all items and property damaged
note the date and time you called your local fire department
contact a licensed electrician and/or plumber to document that the damage was caused by a lightning strike
contact your florida lightning damage claim attorney
often a lightning damage insurance claim may be denied by an insurance company. The insurance company will request further information from the homeowner to prove that the damage was caused by a lightning strike. It is helpful to take pictures of any holes in asphalt or on the side of a building, which are characteristic of a lightning strike.
Lightning strikes are often an overlooked natural disaster that can cause severe damage to your home. While less than one in a million gets hit , they have a much higher chance of homes, which could lead to significant structural damage. Call your local fire department immediately if your house is struck by lightning. Once the storm and damage have passed, you can assess the damage to your house. Fortunately, all dry usa offers repair services to fix any water, fire, and smoke damage to your home. Get in touch with our restoration company to improve your odds of restoring your property.